overlap's reviews
185 reviews

Outsmart Your Pain: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion to Help You Leave Chronic Pain Behind by Christiane Wolf

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This is a very thoughtful and compassionate book designed for various situations. Part of the trouble with this book is that it's impossible to have a book that suits every person's needs and struggles, but I admire the author's attempt to honor different journeys and the additional content. I did wish there was more of a perspective from those suffering with chronic pain/the idea of disability justice rather than just "this treatment worked." I also found the idea of not focusing so much on future outcomes kind of incongruous with the constant repetition that patients' pain decreased after meditating, but overall this is a helpful resource and I'd recommend it to a friend as a resource to be used alongside more personal counseling :)
Debths by Susan Howe

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What a treat it is to read the work of someone who plays with words like this!!!
The Most Precious Substance on Earth by Shashi Bhat

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This book had a lot of potential to be, like, uber meaningful or whatever, but just ended up being the story of a life in many ways, which I appreciate and like reading. 
Women and Disability in Medieval Literature by Tory Vandeventer Pearman

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Did not finish book.
Will probably pick this up over break once I have an essay to fully work on :P
Disability in Medieval Europe: Thinking about Physical Impairment in the High Middle Ages, C.1100-C.1400 by Irina Metzler

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An important read, and one that has been vastly influential in the field of medievalist disability studies! I felt that parts of the text were redundant and/or rambling but this was a super enjoyable and enlightening book