Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I just finished the book and the ending is perfect - chills. Although it started off quite slowly I preferred this to The Handmaid’s Tale as I enjoyed the perspective of the two younger girls. Very dark and heavy read. The characters weren’t flat and I particularly liked Becka.
This is the most fatphobic book I have ever read. It started off annoyingly slow to the point I felt like I was being edged and only kept reading to find out the contents of the letter. It takes half of the book until the reader learns what was written in the letter , and that itself was predictable and anticlimactic. After that I feel like the second half of the book just fell flat ? It was just overall boring, with flat and unlikeable characters. The only character I somewhat liked was Esther who is barely talked about anyway. I like the writing style but the plot and just about everything else wasn’t it at all for me.
I didn’t really like the writing style especially at the start, it felt very choppy and confusing to read. That improved as the book went on but I hated Lola’s narration chapters , they were extremely cringe-worthy and very telling that the author does not understand how teenagers talk. The ending felt rushed and the twist happened in around the last 50 pages of the book, and was quite predictable too. I liked the premise but I think it could have been taken even further and explored more. I enjoyed the descriptions of food in this.
This book was therapy to me. My new favourite book of all time. I laughed , cried and smiled and I identify with the main character so much. There is so much to take from this book and apply to my own life. I couldn’t have picked this up to read at a better time , coming out of a depressive episode. It made me feel alive and hopeful , not just for the characters but for myself. What beautiful writing.
Not something I would typically read but it was written beautifully and had many quotes that will definitely stick with me. I also think it’s the perfect length for the story so I wasn’t left feeling too bored. I wouldn’t pick it up again but it was worth the read!
I have a lot to say about this book. Firstly , it’s wayyyy too long and slow paced , enough so that it put me in such a reading slump that by page 50, I put the book down and didn’t pick it back up again (or any other book) for 3+ months! Reading this feels like a frustrating headache. The only reason I kept reading was so that I could say id finished the book and so that the months I spent not reading weren’t in vain. None of the characters made me care. The idea for this book is amazing but sadly it’s terribly executed in my opinion, or maybe it just wasn’t meant for me. All I can really say now is reading it felt like a chore , and the ending was not satisfying or worth it at all! Ultimately it was just confusing, frustrating and had too many characters.
The last two books of the series were definitely 5 stars for me, but this one left me feeling ever so slightly disappointed. I love pip but the way she went about things in this book stressed me out and got on my nerves a little. Ravi is one of my favourite characters and I felt like he deserved better treatment from pip. However as always I loved the writing style and I’ll miss this series now that I’m done!