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sonia_reppe's reviews
1293 reviews
The Memoirs of a Beautiful Boy by Robert Leleux
Self-centered, childish, dramatic with self-love, using people who care about him as personal entertainment fodder—but not in a mean way— all qualities that make Robert Leleux an interesting character. Throw in an extravagant, gold-digging, Texas big-dealer of a mother and you have domestic dysfunction at its funniest. The core of Leleux's teen-age memoir is about family ties and dysassociations and how one gay boy relates to all that. With large Texas-size doses of humor and hilarious dialogue, Leleux can be compared to Dave Sedaris. I can't wait for his next memoir.
The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch
Miles is a thirteen yr old who has a passion for tidal life and marine biology. I like novels that have a young narrator. His relationship with his parents was written really well; and I loved the parts with Miles and his friend Kenny Phelps. Lots of ocean-life references and marine biology that, by the end, seemed to hit us over the head with the message of "Look at how wonderous ocean life is; isn't life amazing?" It's like the author tried to put in every single amazing thing about ocean life, whereas we could've gotten the point with one-fourth the amount of examples. (Also, I didn't get why that old lady, Florence, was his best friend).
As Simple as Snow by Gregory Galloway
This is young adult fiction, male protagonist. I like YA fiction, and I like when the author leaves things open-ended for interpretation by the reader; so I was ok with not knowing what happened to Anna, and all the loose ends that this story leaves—like why didn't Anna like Mr.Devon, or what was up with Anna's parents; (and all the parents in this book for that matter), and the elaborate setting-up of a code and map that ultimately meant nothing. I was not satisfied at the end for a different reason. The gloomy atmosphere that this story held was depressing, for one. This story builds on the theme of disappearing, using literal examples and symbolic ones, like the detached parents. It was creepy to me how all of the parents in this book were emotionally distant and mysterious to their kids.