Series of people living close to each others with their cats. But, not only that! The cats also have connection to each otherㅡ making a story somehow linking to another one. Different people, different perspectives of viewing the world, different experiences as well. I love how every stories compliment each other. Little minus I have to point out is when the cats thought their owner is their girlfriendㅡ idk I find it quite weird? 😂 but beside that, the story is great.
Have to sayㅡ I wasn't going to be attached to this book, but, I was wrong until I read the last story. I guess some point of views really could gave you a little spark of life.
Honestly, this book is just right to be read after a long day. Somehow I enjoy the pace this book has given to me. Alsoㅡ there's a lot of information this book provides, so it really widened my perspective of the world, also the life itself. Such an inspiring book, I must say.
i'd say this series really emphasize the 'regret', which each characters have. i feel like i'm drown into each stories on how regrets could come in a lot of things. the most memorable for me was the second and the last story. i just couldn't stop my tears from reading it! </3
you should be proud of yourself for sticking with it and never giving up. you were impressive in your persistence. (....) you have what you have today because you never gave up telling yourself that you had to be happy.
i love how they emphasize yukari's present in each stories eventhough she's not present in real time. also she's like VERY MYSTERIOUS.. I LOVE MYSTERIOUS FEELINGS.. SUPERNATURAL.. something like that. if i have to pick the best chapter would be 'The Comedian' oh that took me out. this book once again provides things that could ease your heart for a little while from the noise in your head. but, i don't recommend you read every series in one siting bcs it can be boring since the flow is quite predictable.
BUT! it's such a good book to escape from reality for awhile. it's like something to seek after a hectic day, a cure to ease your heart a little.
btw...... the last chapter got me in complete silent.. why must you SCARE ME THIS WAY GAWD DAMN. the way i was giggling and thinking 'oh this one is nice and very bubbly' then they decided to END the character just like that.. throwing myself off the cliff right nAUR
ayou know what.. the most excellent part of this book was when miki said, "akhirnya! my debut tiba yeah?" i still remember how i giggled loudly reading this scene haha. funiculi funicula 2, imo, telling the back story of the character 'kazu tokita' and the said witch that sit on the specialized table on the cafe. though, just like the other before series book which conclude stories from people attending the cafe, you can see slight hint in each story about the witch.. which i think quite exciting and heart-wrenching at the same time. kazu's journey of grieving was described in a good way here, i think i could almost understand how she's so... not ready to let go? but everyday, she will took care of her mother (which was the witch) wholeheartedly until finally the witch rose up to heaven. i'm so happy that kazu finally can feel at ease, after a long time of grieving. well, no wonder that was the moment my eyes swollen heavily.. hehe
idk, this book doesn't sit right to me. it feels like reading a story about forbidden love between the mc and her (already been married) editor. maybe i'm wrong for expecting it to be a form of rebellion towards the said memory police, but it's not.
i only grab this book without any expectation into it. i know people has been talking about this book repetitively but it feels like i don't want to read it just yet. but you know, i challenged myself for that.
this book circulates around the magic cafe called funiculi funicula, which could make you travel through times. each story of this book consist of different perspective of each main character of their story, so it's pretty much very light to read this per story. also, i do like the way this book is translated into simple english. it helps a lot with a beginner reader, especially if english is not the main language they spoke, easy to understand and there's no heavy words included. i will recommend this to people who is working on their english like i do!:)
one thing i might want to highlight, i want to know the story of the witch mentioned in this book. the one lady that sits in "that" table, always reading the same book, and apparently couldn't say no to offer. i want to know her story as well. maybe i could read it on the next title of the series?
Di awal mulai buku ini, rasanya plot cerita berjalan lambat ya? Sampai akhirnya mulai masuk di babak pertengahan. Mulai ada tendensi rasa tekanan dan itu lambat laun meningkat seiring berjalannya cerita.
Sejujurnya, dipertengahan cerita dimana Sakiko aka Eri-chan sudah mulai menyukai Hideo, aku sempet berfikir "wah jadi romance ya?" dan berharap bahwa di akhir cerita semuanya akan baik-baik saja. Mau difikir berulang kali pun, dinamika pasangan Eri dan Hideo cukup lucu menurutku, seperti bayangan pernikah di dalam benak banyak wanita haha.. LAH SELANJUTNYA MALAH DIBUAT MATI! 😭😭 jujur agak sakit hati pas tau Hideo dibikin meninggal ugh... sedih.
Sebelum baca suratnya Hideo, jujur kaget banget pas dia ngaku kalau selama ini dialah tersangka tabrak lari yang sudah menghilangkan nyawa ayahnya Sakiko. Terbebani rasa bersalah selama bertahun-tahun pasti rasanya menyesakkan dan itu semua tercantum dalam surat wasiat yang ditinggalkan oleh Hideo.
HUFT berkali-kali mikir, kalau aja kesalahpahaman ini bisa selesai, semuanya akan baik-baik aja. Lumayan angst ya karya Rikako sensei yang kali ini. Hmm.. untukku, ratingnya 4.00/5. Aku setuju ada beberapa bagian yang kurang masuk akal dan kurasa garis waktunya gak sesuai. Paling terutama adalah saat Sakiko dengan mudah mengganti identitasnya menjadi Satou Eri. Yah, meskipun hal itu memang bisa dilakukan, tapi untuk bagian operasi plastik, rasanya gak bisa sebulan atau dua bulan selesai. Mengingat Sakiko merombak wajah sepenuhnya dan ada prosedur sulit yang harus dilakukan. Tapi selain itu, ceritanya menurutku sangat menarik sih. Plot twistnya lumayan bikin kaget haha.. siapa sangka?
Awalnya sempat kaget karena disambut gaya penulisan yang kurang aku gemari. Ada beberapa ketidakkonsistenan penulisan yang membuat agak skeptis tentang buku ini, dan beberapa kalimat terkesan terlalu mendadak. Oh iya, ada beberapa istilah dalam bahasa jepang yang tidak dijelaskan dalam catatan kaki di sini. Alangkah baiknya jika nanti ada cetakan kedua, ditambahkan catatan untuk menjelaskan masing-masing istilah.
Karakter Shira seperti digambarkan dengan penuh kebencian. Semua hal baik yang dilontarkan kepadanya selalu menjadi bara api panas yang menusuk-nusuk ujung kepala dan menumpuk menjadi abu setelahnya. I know dealing with depression isn't an easy task, everything feels too confusing and sometimes you just want to be angry at people for no reason. Tapi selalu ada kalimat yang aku ingat, ini mungkin untuk aku dan orang lain yang sedang mengalami hal yang sama pula, "apakah kamu mempersilahkan orang lain untuk membantumu?". Menurutku, ini yang belum Shira temui. Kepribadiannya yang defensif dan selalu merasa dikekang oleh orang tua dan teman-temannya ini yang membuat dia merasa suntuk dengan segala hal. Tapi, apakah Shira sudah berusaha untuk menjelaskan apa yang dia rasakan kepada orang-orang tersebut? Kamu boleh merasa suntuk, tapi kamu tidak boleh menyalahkan orang lain terlebih jikalau kamu tidak mau membicarakan tentang apa yang kamu rasakan. Agak kasar, memang. Tapi di satu titik di hidupmu, kamu juga harus membiarkan orang lain mengerti tentang kamu, dan kamu juga harus mengerti tentang emosi dalam dirimu.
Pada babak kedua, kita menemui Josh yang akhirnya kalang kabut mencari Shira. Kemudian, kita menemukan karakter Bea yang tidak dijelaskan asal muasalnya dan siapakah orang ini (or maybe I'm missing something?). Sayang sekali karena menurutku jadinya Bea ini seperti.. orang serba tahu yang tiba-tiba muncul. Shira sendiri tidak pernah menyinggung Bea dalam surat-surat yang ingin dia kirimkan.
Terlepas dari itu, dalam buku ini kita disajikan dua sisi berbeda karena pada penceritaan karakter Josh, kita dipaksa untuk berfikir bahwa "hidup dijalani saja" setelah dihujani oleh ketidakpercayaan Shira terhadap haknya untuk hidup. Ini merupakan hal bagus karena dalam babak Josh kita bisa melihat secercah harapan dari hal-hal kecil dan kenangan manis. (kudos to Rio Hasegawa!) Aku sangat lega mengetahui bahwa Shira memutuskan untuk kembali berjuang untuk hidupnya. Sebuah bukti bahwa hal kecil dapat membawamu ke jalan yang lebih cerah. Jadi, untuk semua yang sedang berjuang juga, aku harap kamu bertemu dengan hal kecil tersebut yang bisa membawamu ke jalan-jalan baik di suatu hari nanti.