sathurnina's reviews
223 reviews

Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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Romance conta história de uma nigeriana que se vê tendo que partir para os EUA para fazer sua graduação. Com um pano de fundo de seu grande amor da juventude, a história levanta questões de gênero, racismo e sociais de maneira profunda e até delicada pelo olhar de Ifemelu e Obinze. Livro sensacional pra sair do quadrado da literatura americana e européia.
O Restaurante no Fim do Universo by Douglas Adams

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Another brilliant moment of Douglas Adams, although it is a little less exciting than the first book, it still give you great moments of sarcasm about life, the universe and everything else.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

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A poetic narrative about madness, ?love?, incest, and of course, pedophilia. It was one of the most well writing books I ever read, and with a surprising narrative.
Adulthood Is a Myth by Sarah Andersen

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Just an average young adult woman’s life! Amazing!