sarah2438's reviews
1045 reviews

How to Walk Away by Katherine Center

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Completely unremarkable. Reminds me of Maybe in Another Life by TJR, which was published 3 years before this. But at least that one had an interesting premise. Sigh. Didn't want to start the year with a flop but here we are.
Lucy Undying by Kiersten White

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Gosh, I hate being disappointed but this book delivered that in spades.
It's frustrating when I can so clearly see potential. The chapters where Lucy is talking to her counselor and writing in her diary were actually pretty great. I was still missing a connection to her-- it feels so detached to read her describing her life, whether to a doctor or a person. But the chapters about Iris just bored me to tears. I did not care at all about Iris, and the information given to us by the other two POVs made it just tedious to sit around and wait for Iris to figure these things out. The instalove between Iris and Lucy also did not win me over. I think this story was intended to be reminiscent of A Dowry of Blood (or maybe that's just my wishful thinking) but it simply could not compare. There were so many cringe moments to this. A vampire MLM? Really? It feels too serious to be funny and too funny to be serious. I greatly enjoyed Kiersten White's Paranormalcy series as a teenager but I think it may be time to leave her in that stage of my life.
**I received a free eArc from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**
Linghun by Ai Jiang

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I liked it at first but I didn't understand the ending and I wasn't a fan of the random other short stories that were included. Bummer.
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio

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Way to end 2024 on a BANGER. Wow. A 4.5 star read, finished 3.5 hours before the end of the year,  completes my reading goal of 150 books for 2024. I'm such a dork but that's incredible.
This book is pretentious as hell, and that's why I have to deduct .5 stars. But honestly I could still change my mind on that cause the pretentiousness is the whole point with this book.
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

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I've had this on my TBR for YEARS and it had the audacity to be mediocre?? Ove is clearly intended to be charming but he was just annoying. I expected myself to cry but I was bored! Rude.
Valleyesque: Stories by Fernando A. Flores

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
I'm two and a half stories in and haven't cared about a single thing. I don't think this one is for me.
Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad

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It makes me so happy that some of my best reads of the year are happening in the last few weeks. I loved this. There are so many struggles that she experiences that I can relate to, despite not experiencing anything remotely like her illness. Just so beautifully written. Give this one a read.
Red Rising by Pierce Brown

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 31%.
I didn't know this would be another school for magicians type story and I just don't care about that.