ralovesbooks's reviews
1431 reviews

Skinny Dip by Carl Hiaasen

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Would recommend: Probably

Of Carl Hiaasen's books, I have only read Hoot, a young adult read, so I was initially scandalized by the flippant use of profanity and innuendo in this book. Which is for regular adults. After I calibrated myself, I liked the book enough. It was entertaining and mostly compelling, even if I wanted to smack the villain ACROSS HIS STUPID FACE the entire time. Some of the plot is really predictable, but there are some moments that were genuine and poignant. I think most people would enjoy this book.
The Last American Man by Elizabeth Gilbert

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Would recommend: Yes

I bought this book at a used-book store just because I recognized Elizabeth Gilbert from [b:Eat Pray Love|19501|Eat, Pray, Love|Elizabeth Gilbert|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1269870432s/19501.jpg|3352398]. I assumed it was a novel, but oh, wait, it's not! The subject of this book, Eustace Conway, is a real person, which makes all of his escapades all the more unbelievable and his personal problems all the more sad. The book was unexpectedly compelling to me, even though I found the colloquial tone irritating, and Gilbert has a few moments of wandering off into speculation or history. I was pleasantly surprised by this book, and it's an enjoyable, quick read.
The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson

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Would recommend: Maybe

I liked this book, but not as much as I liked The [b:Girl With the Dragon Tattoo|2429135|The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1)|Stieg Larsson|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1275608878s/2429135.jpg|1708725]. This sequel was much more convoluted in plot, and there were so many characters to keep straight. Maybe I wouldn't have had such a hard time if the Swedish names didn't sound so similar to me, but I ended up bunching people together, like: "This guy is part of the police team," and "This guy is a bad guy." I think this book has much more profanity than the first (if that matters to anyone), and I thought the ending was abrupt and unsatisfying.

That said, it was a page-turner, and I definitely want to read the third installment in the series. I hope this simply a typical case of second-book slump.
The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd

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Would recommend: Shrug.

I read this book in one sitting on a flight to Las Vegas. Lest that depict rapt attention to it, let it be known that I fell asleep after the first 15 pages, only to wake up an hour later and finish it. I was more intrigued than entertained with this read. The plot is interesting and the setting is compelling, but the main character was lacking for me. She had this crisis because ... she was bored? I didn't really get it. The ending was wholly unsatisfying to me, given the enormous scale of the premise.
One Writer's Beginnings by Eudora Welty

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Would recommend: Probably

This memoir is my first Eudora Welty, which is probably not great since she is a fiction writer at heart. However, it was recommended in On Writing Well, so I borrowed it from the library. It's a slim little thing, just barely over 100 pages, and I flew through the first third with great gusto. The first section is about her childhood in Jackson, Mississippi, and the attention to detail is lovely. The second section was also enjoyable, but the third, about her various stories and eventually becoming a published writer, held me less strongly. The last part dragged along for me, and I finished it out of duty more than anything else -- no one wants to quit a 100-pager at page 70. Even so, I would like to read her essays and short stories, and if I find a cheap, used copy of this memoir, I'd take it home with me.
Little Bee by Chris Cleave

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Would recommend: No

I was not impressed by this book. There was so much hype and the book jacket itself was so self-important -- two bad signs. There were moments that were compelling, but I found this read just mediocre.
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom

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Would recommend: Maybe

I liked this book well enough. It was a little unbelievable to me at times, like overly preachy or saintly, but the story is very compelling. There's no escaping the bravery of the ten Boom family's acts during the Holocaust, and this story is a unique one from the time period.
Half Broke Horses: A True-Life Novel by Jeanette Walls

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Would recommend: Probably

I liked Half Broke Horses much better than The Glass Castle, mostly in that the characters didn't make me want to strangle them the entire time. However, the first quarter of the book was very stilted and halting in style. I understand needing to establish characters and context, but I feel like if I don't know where the plot is going at that point, that's not a good thing. Once the story got going, the book was enjoyable, but it's not changing my life or anything. The writing is quite good, and the narrator's voice was really clear and defined.

Oh, about that "true-life novel" business: I mostly think it's a bunch of hooey, like, can we please pick a genre? But the author explains it (in the back of the book --- not very helpful, in my opinion) as an oral history where she filled in things like descriptive details or dialog. So, this book is kind of like historical fiction (fictional story taking place in a real time and place), except that it's real people and real events with made-up ephemera. So, I guess I get it.
The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements by Sam Kean

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Would recommend: Maybe

I really enjoyed the first half of the book. It has all of these droll, entertaining stories about wacky elemental properties, like how you can make an eponymous disappearing spoon out of gallium, or that ingesting silver turns your skin a permanent shade of purple. (Then I had to return the book to the library because there were so many holds on it that I couldn't renew it. And there are like, a dozen copies in my library system. Who besides me is borrowing this book? It remains to be seen.) However, the second half was full of boring stuff about radioactivity. I mean, I had given up on the idea that this book would actually teach about periodicity, but then it got all academic and strange in the second half. So heavy and dull, and really unfortunate. I did a lot of skimming and hardly any ooh-ing. I don't plan on adding this one to my nerd bookshelf.
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

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Would recommend: Maybe

I enjoyed The Shadow of the Wind much more than I expected, but the flowery, Latin style was a little much at times. The plot tied up easily at the end, but it was too neat for my taste. I did, however, love the deep respect for books that the author communicates.