paperbacks_n_frybread's reviews
394 reviews

Essential Oils: Young Living Essential Oils Guide - How to Use Essential Oils for Aromatherapy and Healthy Living by Alexa Moore

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This is a quick read, and I love that you can download it and keep it with you even when you're not home. It has a ton of great recipes in it for various blends-so I love the book for that reason.

There are a few things that worry me, though. There are a few statements in the beginning of the book like, "Essential Oils don't have side effects" that are a little dangerous to claim. EOs DO have side effects when handled improperly. Some of these statements are meant to push how wonderful EOs are (and they really are!) but I think the author should have exercised a bit of caution become making such claims.

*I received this in exchange for my honest review*
The Art of Weight Loss Coaching: Barbara Crosby's Proven Weight Loss Coaching Program for Your Business by Lavinia Errico, Barbara Crosby

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What a quick and fantastic read!

Weight Loss Coaches are the "it" factor right now. It's no secret that people just seem to do better on their journey to better health, with a friend-and this is THE guide for that "friend".

I've seen many coaches go about things the wrong way, and even question why they aren't being successful in their business. This guide gives a great and practical run-down of necessary basics needed to be a weight loss coaching machine! Personally, this is a must read for any health-nut, even if you're not actually looking into perusing a coaching career just yet.

*Was sent this in exchange for my honest review*
The Gift of Friendship: Stories That Celebrate the Beauty of Shared Moments by Dawn Camp

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(This review is also posted on Mama Bear Reads at

I grew up as a military brat. I traveled the world with my family up until I was in high school. I went to 16 different schools, and lived numerous places. I made friends with ease and had quite a bit of social confidence.

Then something happened. What, I am not sure, but that confidence is no longer there.

There is honestly nothing I struggle with more than making friends. I feel incredibly awkward in any social setting, I'd rather stay home and watch Netflix than do a play date, and calling someone on the phone is enough to make my head spin and last night's spaghetti come back up from the dead.

At almost 30 years old, I want friends but it seems to be absolutely impossible to make and keep them.

That's why, I jumped to the chance to help launch this amazing book that was edited by Dawn Camp called,
"The Gift of Friendship".

I assumed that it was going to be pretty typical of "friendship" books and be a light and easy read. Although it was easy to read-the content is far from "light".

This book is a compilation of almost 50 stories from various people. Many you may have heard of like:
Lysa Terkeurst, Tsh Oxenreider, Holley Gerth, or Jessica Turner.

These stories cover many topics. It goes from the deep like vulnerability and gets into the lighthearted ones about old friends, and gets deep again with stories about purposeful friendship.

The stories are so beautiful and touching. Many of them are so relatable, I could have wrote them myself. There is so much wisdom and encouragement in this book! The stories aren't long at all, so it's really easy to wiz through-but I would recommend taking your time and savoring each bit.

I would guarantee that each time you flip through this stunning book, you would get something completely different out of it each and EVERY time.

To be honest, it really opened my eyes up about all that I miss out on when I build up walls against others. It also showed me that the author I love and adore struggles with the same things I do. That "success" doesn't take away the NEED to have fellowship. We weren't created to walk this world alone. We are the BODY of Christ for a reason.

"The Gift of Friendship" was a true gift for me, and I know it would be an amazing gift to give to ANYONE (not just mamas!!!).

I give this book 5 Stars!

*I received this book in exchange for my honest review, and that's what you got!*
This Is Awkward: How Life's Uncomfortable Moments Open the Door to Intimacy and Connection by Sammy Rhodes

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*I've posted this on Mama Bear Reads (*

"I've always considered myself an awkward person. I can't tell you the first time I had this realization. It probably was a social situation that involved small talk. If I could have any superpower, it would be the ability to do small talk well, because anyone who does it well is a superhero as far as I'm concerned. I'm more like the Aquaman of small talk: people don't remember much about me except I'm weird."

When THIS is how someone opens up their book, and all I can think of is, "Oh my gosh. THAT'S ME!", I can't possibly stop reading. This is exactly the case with Sammy Rhodes' "This is Awkward".

I have no idea how the man did it, but he took something as trivial as awkwardness and made an entire witnessing tool out of it. He used this as an opportunity to get people to examine their awkwardness and what those moments and feelings could really be exposing in our walk with the Lord. It's absolutely brilliant.

Rhodes' writing style is funny & witty, yet incredibly deep all at the same time. He jokes about serious issues that he's dealt with such as porn and being a child of divorce, but the jokes are simply that "awkwardness" seeping through-it by no means downplays the seriousness of these issues. In fact, its the outright vulnerability that Rhodes when writing about these topics that makes this book so powerful. Here's some of his quotes on divorce and how it leaves children with a "cracked" foundation:

"Maybe the reason movies depict holes in walls as leading to magical places is because what really causes them is too painful to show."

"Divorce is like a crack in the foundation of the lives of the children who live through it. It's easy to cover it over as though nothing happened. It's hard to deal with its effects on our lives, seen and unseen."

My favorite chapter was that on pornography and that language of lust called, The Porn in My Side. WOW. I honestly felt slightly awkward reading it-but this is an incredibly important chapter. It's raw. It's real. It's necessary.

"That's the message anyone stuck in the patterns and power of lust needs to hear. Leaning to be free of it is as simple and as hard as learning a language. You don't know how to speak the language of true intimacy because you've grown up speaking false intimacy. You know how to speak Lust. You're going to have to learn how to speak Love."

Did it hit you like it hit me?

This message is important for every.single.married.person. on the entire planet.

Rhodes goes on to talk about shame, and what it REALLY does to us, especially in the "sin" department.

"That's what shame does. It makes us feel we could never be both known and loved."

Isn't that the truth? Isn't that why it's so hard to be completely upfront about what's going on inside of us? Isn't that the basis of why awkward situations make us run and hide-we're terrified people will see the "real" us and reject us.

Sammy tackles all sorts of other issues-

Social Media.

Nothing is off limits.

I enjoyed this book WAY more than I thought I would. I was sucked in my the first paragraph and I honestly learned a lot about myself.

What is so great about awkwardness that Sammy would want to write an entire book on it?

"Awkwardness is an invitation to vulnerability, and vulnerability is where intimacy and connection are born."

I have a whole new appreciation for all of what makes me feel "awkward".

I also want to read everything Sammy Rhodes writes.

Be warned: you WILL have a hankering for some donuts after reading this. You'll know why once you've read it!

I give this book a 5 out of 5 stars.

*I received this book in exchange for my honest review*
I Want It All: Exchanging Your Average Life for Deeper Faith, Greater Power, and More Impact by Gwen Smith

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*Also posted on Mama Bear Reads (

Ever read a book and feel like you could be best buds with the author?

That's EXACTLY how I felt reading, Gwen Smith's, 
"I Want It All: Exchanging Your Average Life for Deeper Faith, Greater Power, and More Impact".

From the very first paragraph, all I could think was, "I want to be this chick's friend!" Her writing is very conversational while be loads of fun. AND she's local to me! Double love!

Gwen Smith's book is NOTHING like I thought it was going to be. I expected to be a little annoyed with the entire "I want it all" attitude, until I understood where she was taking it.

"If I really want it all-Everything God has for me_it's going to be a battle. A beautiful, bloody battle of a girl gone wile for Jesus. A gloves-off, nitty gritty, leave-it-all-on-the-floor-of-life brawl against a real enemy."

Oh yes. THIS. This is gonna be good.

And it is. 

Gwen doesn't hold back. I could honestly picture this feisty woman using her hands and having vivid facial expressions while reading this. It was like she was sitting next to be pouring not only her wisdom and knowledge into me-but sharing her fears and shortcomings too.

She won me over even more when she wrote about the Samaritan woman at the well with Jesus. I identify with this woman and its my favorite Bible story of all time. I seriously get tear-eyed every time I read it. But Gwen writes about the moment Jesus brings up about her adultery,

"Dang! He called her out. As light invades darkness, this conversation instantly went from veiled and casual to exposed and personal."

She goes to address that "worship in the Spirit and in truth" response that Jesus gave the woman,

"What did Jesus mean by saying we must worship God in truth? means we must bare all to the One who sees and knows all. It means that we should come as we are, allowing our stained hearts to be made white as snow in the presences of our holy God, who dwells in unapproachable light."

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Even typing that gives me goosebumps. 

Gwen touches on other subjects, and the one that hit a little hard for me was chapter twelve, "Sticks and Stones and Salubrious Tones". This is her chapter about the words we speak. She hits it on the nail over and over again, especially writing about being "quick to listen and slow to speak." This is a weak spot for me-so it really bothered me and encouraged at the same time.

Gwen Smith's writing in, "I Want It All" is incredibly relatable. Her voice reminds me of Priscilla Shirer in "FerVent". These are the kind of women you want to mentor you in your walk with the Lord. They stand a firm ground, follow the narrow path, but are also vulnerable and transparent in order to be an even better example of redemption and grace.

Both "FerVent" and "I Want It All" get me pumped to dig more into the Word and spend more time in prayer. Gwen Smith's joy that peeks through her words are so contagious, I can only imagine how she is in person!

I give this wonderful book 5 out of 5 stars! 

"I want the beauty of God's Spirit to be visible in my life. Don't you?"

*I received this book in exchange for a honest review*
Having a Martha Home the Mary Way: 31 Days to a Clean House and a Satisfied Soul by Sarah Mae

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It says something when you're in tears after the first few pages.

I adore Sarah Mae's writing. I read the ebook of this years ago and jumped at the chance to be on the launch team for the updated version. It didn't disappoint. As a mama of 4 who struggles with homemaking, this book didn't make me feel condemned-but energized and inspired. I love that each day has a "Mary & Martha" task to do. It's incredibly simple to follow, easy to stick with, and worth every word.

I know without a doubt this will bless every woman that reads this. It's just that good. I'd recommend reading the entire thing through, THEN going through each day one by one.

This would make a beautiful gift, especially for a bridal shower! So much encouragement fills these pages. Pass it on.

*I received this in exchange for a honest review*
In Real Life by Jen Wang, Cory Doctorow

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Very first graphic novel and I loved it! Very sweet and relatable characters with a strong story line.

It's a mashup of gaming and social economics. Sounds weird-but it works.

This is a pretty clean graphic novel, so perfect for older teens.

I'm definitely sad I haven't experienced graphic novels before, but I'm pleased that o started with this one.