paperbacks_n_frybread's reviews
394 reviews

No Cheese Please by Jennifer Woolford

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Oh how adorable is this? I am so thankful to have received this book for review!
[bc:No Cheese Please|28670804|No Cheese Please|Jennifer Woolford||48860522]
Super catchy rhyme scheme, cute illustrations, and an easy to understand lesson. If you are a parent (or teacher!) with a picky eater-this is a great way to present and talk about it with your children.
This will also be an excellent book for home-schoolersand teachers to use with the younger ones as an example of rhyming patterns. It's simple enough for even the smallest to follow along with.
Backwards Beauty: How to Feel Ugly in 10 Simple Steps by Jessie Minassian

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Short version:
Get this book if you have a girl of any age or you're a leader of young girls.

Longer version,
Jessie Minassian has a beautiful message. And that message is, "You.Are.Beautiful." In her book, Backwards Beauty, she tackles the "desire to be desired" head on. She doesn't hide anything and even uses some of her own weaknesses to illustrate a great point- It's okay to way to be pretty, but it's how you're carrying that out that can be the issue.

She tackles issues like pride, weight, comparison, and even pulls backs the shades the advertising business. Nothing is off limits.

At the end of each chapter, is a few review questions. This is why I would suggest this being done in youth groups. It's a fantastic study. Too many young girls are sacrificing too much in the name of beauty, and I truly believe this book could make an amazing impact on them.

*I was sent this book in exchange for my honest review*