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luthereadingqueen's reviews
265 reviews
La falsa amiga by Christine Drews
Para empezar con el lado positivo de esta reseña, me encanto el misterio. Es el primer libro donde no pude adivinar que era lo que iba a suceder! Me encantaría encontrar más libros de misterios que sean como este, donde el misterio es la relación que conecta a los personajes en vez de quién fue el secuestrador porque eso es lo que siempre se sabe :P
Además, el final me gustó bastante porque se sintió muy real y acorde a lo que venia pasando en el resto del libro.
Por otro lado, odie a los personajes. Ninguno se salva, eran horribles personas como el padre de LeoEstoy re enojada por eso ¿¡Por qué nadie lo metió preso después de que se supo que violó a su secretaria?! , demasiado criticona como la detective (que insoportable esa mujer a todas las personas les veía un defecto enorme excepto ella misma obvio) o no relevante para la historia que te hacían preguntar ¿Para qué está? como el detective.
Otra cosa fue que los capítulos son larguísimos, yo soy de las personas que les gusta dejar de leer después de terminar el capítulo y con estos siendo de 20 hojas más o menos se sentían interminables y casi me tenía que obligar a terminarlos.
Por último, hubieron tantos interrogatorios en esta historia que la verdad no hacían falta jamás descubrían nada nuevo y parecían que estaban solamente para hacer el libro más largo. Terminaba de leer estos interrogatorios y siempre me quedaba preguntando ¿Para qué lo hicieron? Muy frustrante después de los primeros dos -.-
Para empezar con el lado positivo de esta reseña, me encanto el misterio. Es el primer libro donde no pude adivinar que era lo que iba a suceder! Me encantaría encontrar más libros de misterios que sean como este, donde el misterio es la relación que conecta a los personajes en vez de quién fue el secuestrador porque eso es lo que siempre se sabe :P
Además, el final me gustó bastante porque se sintió muy real y acorde a lo que venia pasando en el resto del libro.
Por otro lado, odie a los personajes. Ninguno se salva, eran horribles personas como el padre de Leo
Otra cosa fue que los capítulos son larguísimos, yo soy de las personas que les gusta dejar de leer después de terminar el capítulo y con estos siendo de 20 hojas más o menos se sentían interminables y casi me tenía que obligar a terminarlos.
Por último, hubieron tantos interrogatorios en esta historia que la verdad no hacían falta jamás descubrían nada nuevo y parecían que estaban solamente para hacer el libro más largo. Terminaba de leer estos interrogatorios y siempre me quedaba preguntando ¿Para qué lo hicieron? Muy frustrante después de los primeros dos -.-
White Stag by Kara Barbieri
2.5 stars
TW: Slavery and rape.
You know when you didn't like a book but then you sit to write a review and you don't really know the reason why? That's me right now.
To begin this with I have to say I found our main character, Jenneke, really entertaining to read about. She was so well fleshed out, I could feel her pain and fear but also her need to survive and to not give up on her life. She was so strong and she never backed up from a fight, of course she did it because otherwise the goblins would have sensed her weakness but still she felt very badass to me.
Moreover, I really enjoyed the conversation about what made a monster what it is. It explained how maybe we are all monsters depending on who or what is perceiving us. It really brought joy to my heart because it was said in such a wonderful way without feeling like it was pushed inside this book.
On the downside, though, one thing I really didn't like was the world-building or better off the lack of. Even now that I've finished White Stag, I still have so many questions unanswered. The main issue was that it felt like we were thrown pieces of information to keep the plot going, it felt unnatural and all those times it took me out of the story.The goddess aspect is the first one that comes to my mind, she was only there to give them wolfs and save Jenneke, then she just vanished. I would have like to know her story, if there were other gods in this world, why she bothered answering prays but we got none of that. If I recall correctly we only got her name and that she granted wishes in exchange of favors and for me that's not enough because usually gods are a key factor in all societies.
Also, the romance is a big aspect in this book but I didn't feel the chemistry between those two characters at all and it was mainly because one of them lacked depth.I didn't see Soren's appeal, he was a bit funny and charming when he wanted but it didn't feel like he was made to be that way. I didn't feel like he was a person with his own emotions and thoughts, he was the polar opposite of Jenneke and I just didn't click with this relationship.
So, now I was able to put into words why I didn't enjoy this book that much, it was because the world-building could have been better and I couldn't connect with the relationship that was a big part in this book. However, the main character was truly a badass without hiding her emotions like fear to herself and it also has a quite interesting conversation about what monsters are so if you think you'll like these things I would recommend you to give it a chance.
TW: Slavery and rape.
You know when you didn't like a book but then you sit to write a review and you don't really know the reason why? That's me right now.
To begin this with I have to say I found our main character, Jenneke, really entertaining to read about. She was so well fleshed out, I could feel her pain and fear but also her need to survive and to not give up on her life. She was so strong and she never backed up from a fight, of course she did it because otherwise the goblins would have sensed her weakness but still she felt very badass to me.
Moreover, I really enjoyed the conversation about what made a monster what it is. It explained how maybe we are all monsters depending on who or what is perceiving us. It really brought joy to my heart because it was said in such a wonderful way without feeling like it was pushed inside this book.
On the downside, though, one thing I really didn't like was the world-building or better off the lack of. Even now that I've finished White Stag, I still have so many questions unanswered. The main issue was that it felt like we were thrown pieces of information to keep the plot going, it felt unnatural and all those times it took me out of the story.
Also, the romance is a big aspect in this book but I didn't feel the chemistry between those two characters at all and it was mainly because one of them lacked depth.
So, now I was able to put into words why I didn't enjoy this book that much, it was because the world-building could have been better and I couldn't connect with the relationship that was a big part in this book. However, the main character was truly a badass without hiding her emotions like fear to herself and it also has a quite interesting conversation about what monsters are so if you think you'll like these things I would recommend you to give it a chance.