A solid classic and foundational novel for pirate adventures. It’s easy to read and moves at a good pace. It was fun to note where Pirates of the Caribbean borrowed from this tale.
Excellent storytelling. Especially for a debut novel. That said, Sanderson’s debut doesn’t read like a newbie author. I honestly recommend this book as the best starting place. Everyone recommended that I start with Mistborn and I dnfed it because the story dragged and I couldn’t connect with the characters, and there was no way I could even imagine myself beginning with a novel as thick as The Way of the Kings. I would probably have never attempted another Sanderson book if it wasn’t for the “secret project” novels which were right up my alley of weirdness. And I went from them to Elantris because the premise of this novel intrigued me. A city of basically living dead? Count me in. I was not disappointed.
The Dragonet Prophecy is a fun MG read for kids who like fantasy, dragons, and battles. My daughter (age 8) liked the graphic novel version, but the regular novel was too long and complex for her. We will revisit later when she’s older. It feels more suitable for children ages 10+.
Yay for a story with a mom as the main character! Emotional and filled with hope. Highly recommend, esp. for moms, or just anyone feeling discouraged by routine life or feel like they’re not getting anywhere.
I loved the wit and humor of this book. It included many of my favorite tropes: portals, alternate dimensions, time travel (sorta), amnesia. Strangely, I loved the inserts from the guide book perhaps even more than the story. A different sort of book than the other “secret projects” and more scifi than fantasy, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I loved the first book of this trilogy, and was excited for this one. I’ve been reading aloud to my 11yo son. This book could have been great. It had an intriguing premise, but was only okay because it was executed poorly. There were too many characters. The plot confusing and prose overly wordy. I still don’t know who the boy Richard is (introduced in the first book) or why he is in the story.
This book had all the feels. It was soooo good! Cute and whimsical. I laughed at one point until I cried. The majority of it was a cozy fantasy. Then that last 10%—so tense. I ugly cried at the end, and I rarely ever cry. My husband thought something was wrong with me. 😭 🤣
I was hiding behind my book. Him: “Are you okay?” Me: “Noooooo!! 😭 😭 😭
Cute and funny superhero story—lighthearted and more romance than action. Still it was a quick, fun read and clean. I was expecting something a tad more serious, but this might be right up someone else’s alley.