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laura_sackton's reviews
115 reviews
The Black Maria by Aracelis Girmay
Somewhere Roxane Gay wrote "I was stunned to stillness" about a book. I can't remember where. Maybe it was a blurb? Anyway I think about that a lot because it is a very specific feeling I get with some books. Being stunned into stillness. This book did that. Incredible.
The Palace of Eros by Caro De Robertis
No one is more surprised than me by the strength of my dislike for this book.
Deluge by Leila Chatti
Stunning, stunning, stunning. A flood and an emptying out. So much ringing ringing blood imagery. This is such a bodily book, such a tumultuous book, such a tangled and beautiful book. So much in this book. Such singing poems. Loved.
Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
I just really cannot express how much I do not care about a book that is over 70% white men. Get a grip. If your book about artists is not AT LEAST 50% BIPOC and women artists, what the fuck are you doing? I mean for real? What planet are you living on? Get a grip.
No Voyage and Other Poems by Mary Oliver
Really can't explain what reading Mary Oliver's debut did to me. Most of the poems are so dry and stuffy and forgettable. The book will live in my heart forever. A gift.