Wilkerson makes a stellar argument regarding the existence of a racialized caste system in the US. Required reading for all white people in the US interested in learning how to be better humans. It should be required reading for all white USians but we know certain subsets could never hear this and internalized it the way we all should. We've all been unknowingly indoctrinated to this caste system. Books like this can help us begin to unlearn. I cannot say enough good things about it. The audiobook was very good as far as the reader.
Maria Bamford's deeply weird (it's a compliment!) comedy and unflinching tale of the terrors of mental healthcare in the US is refreshing. She delves into topics many would never acknowledge and does so with verve and a wonderfully offbeat comedic flair. Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from screaming. Her ability to switch between voices (especially putting on her "stereotypical white woman" voice) delights me to no end. Listen to this audiobook if you get the chance! Do it! Please and thank you.
Excellent book about the horrors wrought upon unsuspecting workers by greedy, wanton companies. There is a lot of body horror from the fallout of radium poisoning so if that's not your jam, skip this one. This entire book is an exceptional argument against libertarian ideals (industry can regulate itself! 🙄). I'm glad I read the ebook, if I'd had it in paperback, I'd have flung the book multiple times each time the radium companies did something horrific with absolute disregard for the well-being of the gals who made their Almighty profits possible.