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eriniese's reviews
161 reviews
Jak podejść Rozpruwacza by Kerri Maniscalco
⭐ 3.5
thank god it started picking up the pace in the last 25% of the book, i started liking it then and practically devoured that despite slugging through the beginning. i thought it would be a mind-blowing read and my expectations were ridiculously high (clearly, that was a mistake), but in the end i just liked it.
thank god it started picking up the pace in the last 25% of the book, i started liking it then and practically devoured that despite slugging through the beginning. i thought it would be a mind-blowing read and my expectations were ridiculously high (clearly, that was a mistake), but in the end i just liked it.
I nie było już nikogo by Agatha Christie
the more i read agatha christie's books, the less i like her writing style. her mysteries and plot twists are so interesting they make up for it, and ultimately the inefficient amount of descriptions and focus on dialogue and laying facts down straight makes her books a quick-paced read, but it's definitely not a pinnacle of writing.
this plot twist i didn't see coming.
this plot twist i didn't see coming.
Bunny by Mona Awad
i have one thought: what the fuck.
i can't believe how many times i just started dead-ass laughing out loud while reading. this book was mad - i think that's the best word to describe it. vivid and bizarre and with that kind of magnetic pull you can't really escape. a fever dream! loved it so much my brain feels like literal mush.
i can't believe how many times i just started dead-ass laughing out loud while reading. this book was mad - i think that's the best word to describe it. vivid and bizarre and with that kind of magnetic pull you can't really escape. a fever dream! loved it so much my brain feels like literal mush.
Malibu płonie by Taylor Jenkins Reid
sorry vivi can't come to the phone right now why? oh cause she is DROWNING IN HER TEARS. i love authors who make me feel things, who just pull me into the worlds they create, and tjr is always one of them. i hope she keeps writing books in the universe of crazy celebrities i love them all so much my favorite rotten people <3
Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson
uhm.......i was so skeptical when i started this because i usually don't enjoy reading series as they often just go downhill, but this was INSANE. just as crazy and engaging as agggtm, and it also made me think back to the first book and realize that i like it even better now ha.....such an insane read i'm. still recovering.