~1960s setting in Northern Ireland, newly graduating doctor joins in an older doctor in a very small country town.
cozy for me and touches on some more intense topics. the scenes with racism/misogyny/classism were decently balanced with more progressive scenes showing the older doc's views and usually directly confronted in the moment
too repetitive and a big case of "no one asks questions about the MC's past and they also don't offer up any info willingly" until the last 50 out of 500 pages.
it was kind of fun and I do think I'll read the next book from my library when it comes out... but I'm definitely hoping that this is a series with First Book Kinda Sucks Syndrome
cozy and lovely descriptions of everything in lots of detail (this is both a pro and con for me). I liked the amount of plot versus other cozy fantasies. I would've appreciated more on page development for the romantic parts of the book, but it was still very satisfying overall.