This was really sweet. Obviously not the sort of thing to read if you’re looking to be inspired or moved by phenomenal writing- but it still made me feel satisfied nonetheless. I really like how the main character, Laura Jean Song, is written specifically. I find that in YA novels with strong female protagonists they tend to be the kind who disassociate from femininity, and liking boys. Laura Jean’s still strong-willed, passionate and multi-faceted as I believe women should be written, but she was still a sweet, feminine teenage girl. She also acted her age, which is not often the case nowadays. It was nice to see, and I think a lot of girls will see themselves in her. A wonderful summer read.
I was told this book would change my life. Needless to say, it didn’t. I think the stale bagel I ate for breakfast changed my life more than this book, in fact. Yes, I relate to Holden’s teenage angst. But I am not a rich teenager living in New York who can escape from their problems temporarily while delving into their deepest, darkest traumas. There’s no plot here. It’s trauma dumping for the sake of it. Also there’s a ton of symbolism that went way over my head. Maybe I’d appreciate it more if I studied it in an English class. (Not that I think it should be studied anymore, the racial slurs are UNBELIEVABLY abundant.) Look, at the end of the day, this might have been groundbreaking for teens in the 60s, but to assume it carries the same weight today would be ridiculous. Some things just aren’t meant to be timeless.
As much as it pains me to say this, I have mixed feelings about this book. Look, I love Simon and Baz as much as the next person, in fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been as attached to two characters more than these two. That’s honestly probably why I ranked it as high as I did. It’s definitely why the plot was such a secondary element throughout, though. At this point, we want to see the Simon Snow gang get their happy ending so bad that we really don’t need an epic adventure to get is there. I guess I was expecting an ending more akin to the one in Carry On, where there’s one massive, intense, battle which ties in the loose ends of every problem before it- exactly like the books Rainbow was originally spoofing. I can’t say it felt like the finale I was expecting, or that it tied up every loose end. But we got a fairytale closing nonetheless, which is what most dedicated readers were expecting going into this, anyway.
Look, as a huge fan girl myself, I loved how many tiny references from the previous books were added in. Like the mention of Garett during the first Smith-Richards meeting, another take on the “you’re wearing jeans” line and Simon practicing his sword-fighting skills on their bed while Baz hid in the bathroom. (Instead of causing a fight like it did during their Watford days, it led to late-night cuddles and the confirmation that Simon has in fact been magic all along. I died.) I will also say that since the entire premise for this series was based on fanfiction and ships, I loved that Rainbow referenced frequent topics of debate among Snowbaz shippers, such as Penny having purple hair, Baz in fact not being hairless like a dolphin and Dev being an absolute asshole. (I will say I was waiting for there to be a DeNiall mention, but unfortunately that remains a fandom-only ship.) These things are what define the series for me, and it really felt like the fans were appreciated, which is not something you see often.
As for the overarching plot, I was not a fan of the Smith-Richards plot. He felt like the mage 2.0, if I’m being honest. I guess I liked the whole Facebook-misinformation-creating-false-profits-and-cult-mindsets political commentary, but I don’t know. Again, it sort of felt like Simon flew in, saved the day and everyone just forgot about it. I was also hoping that Lamb and the vampire gang would be involved in some way, but nope. That plot line was left in America.
I liked the Shepard being I cursed thing, because I love Shepard. And Penny. And of course I’ve shipped them since Colorado. It felt…drawn out though? I know that they needed time to realize their feelings and whatnot (or Penny to realize her feelings), but it sort of felt like just some distraction for Penny while Simon was off trying to be intimate with Baz. (More on that later…) I’m happy for them, and I think that her going to America would be good, even though she would have to leave Simon again. So, maybe not.
We wanted Snowbaz to be healed, and that they did. It was lovely. My favourite parts were when they got the chance to actually foster their relationship, and Simon could overcome his fear of intimacy. Their sudden breakup and then get-together did feel a little strange, though. Like, I was expecting Simon to really have this bug “aha” moment, since it seemed he was pretty convinced he had to leave the world of mages just 20 pages before he agreed to fight tooth and nail for his Baz. I loved that they finally said “I forgive you” for the years of torment, though. That’s what I had been looking for in Wayward Son, and I’m so happy we finally got it.
I’m really upset we didn’t get more vampire involvement. Or information about vampires taking sips!! I was honestly convinced we’d face Lamb again, and Baz would finally get the chance to take his first consensual, non-harmful sip so he could finally feel full goddammit. Simon was even up for it! It just felt like the perfect set-up that was just forgotten. At least we know that he (probably?) isn’t immortal thanks to Nico.
I’m happy Agatha got the chance to have romance. (Especially with a woman!!) But honestly, I was kinda hoping she’d get the chance to feel fulfilled without a significant other. I mean, it would be the perfect demonstration of growth. The perfect damsel in distress doesn’t end up needing a saviour or anyone to give her a fairytale kiss in order to have her happy ending. Asexual Agatha would have been cool, but I like bisexual (or pansexual) Agatha, too.
Look, there were also some parts that felt a little out of character. I know it is because of growth, which I really appreciate, but some parts felt flat-out like different people. Why would Agatha want to become the goatherd? Watford was never a happy place for her like it was to Ebb. How would Penny of all people want to drop her Simon for America? The one thing I will say is that I loved how Baz turns into the most compassionate character with the whole Pippa situation despite how evil (but like, good evil) he was in Carry On. It just shows how much of it was an act, and how he regrets the actions he took for the approval of his family. He just as much of a hero as Simon or Penny, and I’m so glad he got to rectify his worst mistake.
Was it the ending we expected? No, honestly. It wasn’t. But it gave every character (including our lovable punk-ass-pitch Fiona), the love they deserve. The kind of love we’ve only seen from our Simon and Baz. I’m not wowed by this ending, but maybe that wasn’t the point. Maybe it is just meant to show us that we might not always get the battle-to-end-all-battles at the end of our own hero’s journey. Sometimes, our happy endings happen while we’re cuddled up in bed with our former childhood enemy, grappling with the misadventures and magic life has to offer.