The Way of Kings is truly an epic. A book that is an entire prologue (not complaining.) The prelude and prologue are some of the best I’ve ever read and it definitely pulled me in. Brandon does an excellent job of creating a world unlike our own, leaving the magic a mystery, instead it’s very much part of the world of Roshar, you get glimpses here and there. We follow four POVS, three men and one woman. We learn their backgrounds slowly, which I really enjoyed. If you’re expecting a fast paced novel going into this, don’t. It’s a slow burn for a reason …So we can literally be immersed in the world of Roshar, see how it works, fall in love with the characters then see where each of their stories takes them. This damn book made me cry and laugh a lot. The banter is incredible. It also has really dark, heartbreaking moments.
I absolutely fell IN LOVE with Kaladin & Syl (if I see another person spell her name as Sil I will explode 🤯.) Shallan is also a favorite (I don’t understand why she’s apparently the most hated character? Maybe I’ll find out as I continue the series?). As for other characters ‘Wit (IFYKYK)’ Rock, Lopen & Teft are excellent. Loved the dynamic between Bridge 4 characters.
As far as the whole of the Cosmere goes I’ve worked out quite a few things by reading this book and I also have many theories. Can’t wait to gain more knowledge of it as I read on. The interludes were fun to read and I also can’t wait to see how each character plays a role in the big scheme of things. I rated it a 4.5 stars /5 because many times I predicted a LOT of what was going to happen and was right so it kind of diminished the excitement a bit for me. But there were also things I didn’t predict that literally rocked my world. I also don’t like saying too much about what the story is about because I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone. I’m the kind of person where I like to know little to nothing going into a book. 😌 so I always assume others are the same.
First I want to thank the author for sending me an ARC of Paladin & Necromancer. This story is dark, dry at times and grim. There’s plenty of inclusivity within the story in terms of characters which I thought was really well written. Some characters are easy to like, but I would’ve liked a bit more depth to them mainly side characters. There are dual point of views. Quite a few flashbacks. I found the worldbuilding intriguing and other people who love Dungeons & Dragons will most likely enjoy this story. I will be interested to see how the saga plays out. Hopefully the next one will be even better.
The Hero of Ages starts off a year after The Well of Ascension, action packed ( every battle scene is so cool and well written) and introduces a new magic system. The pace then slows a bit to give a proper build-up for an epic climax at the end. As per Sanderson usual 🙃. I’m not complaining! I love how the whole trilogy is a mystery and gives you parts of the puzzle bit by bit. We learn more lore of the kandra which I absolutely love because they’re pretty amazing. My theory/ prediction I had after reading The Well of Ascension was correct. I won’t say what that is though, because it’s a spoiler 😜. Although with saying that I probably predicted certain things a bit earlier than I was probably supposed to, it didn’t ruin the story at all. I still was on the edge of my seat most of the time, wondering what was going to happen next. The character development was strong. Vin, Sazed, and the kandra were my favorite characters. The struggles of faith were really emotional. This trilogy will stay close to my heart forever simply because the characters have stolen my heart, how well executed and beautiful the story telling is and because of how unique the magic system is. The Hero of Ages made me ugly cry and that’s enough for me.
The Well of Ascension starts off a year after The Final Empire ended. Political intrigue starts off quite strong in this one, which I really liked. We learn more about the lore behind Feruchemy and Allomancy as well as the histories surrounding the prophecies. The magic system becomes a bit more complex. Revelations were definitely spread all throughout the book. I actually loved The Well of Ascension more so than The Final Empire. Something about the pacing of this book felt a bit faster for some reason than the first, even though it’s still quite a long book. Vins character development is insane. She’s an absolute badass! I really loved that there was an ‘animal’ companion. Plenty of banter that is balanced with trauma and darkness. Tons of emotional, gut-wrenching scenes. A lot of twists I didn’t see coming at all. I do have theories for the final book though, it will be interesting to see if they prove to be correct or not. I love the mystery within this saga, it definitely keeps me on the edge of my seat in anticipation for what’s to come next. 🥹