This is such an easy book to read! Just one sitting, quite literally, is all it took me to finish it, but that doesn’t mean it compromises quality. At all. The vignettes are sincere, direct, rawly human, to the point where you can relate to a level you wouldn’t think was possible.
Full review (July 15th):
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I absolutely devoured this book! The story gripped me from the beginning and I was able to simpathize with Vieri because of the eternal questions regarding the human condition: Who am I? Where do I come from? What am I doing here? I’ve struggled with the same issues at different points in my life, especially regarding my spirituality, so this makes it an even more interesting story for me.
Full review (July 9):
An impressive project that left me wanting to know more about the field. With so many essays, different points of view, it's easy to go down the rabbit hole as you get fascinated page after page. Some chapters were heavier than others, some didn't make a lot of sense to me, but I'm still impressive nonetheless.
It was so easy to read and enjoy! I haven't been a big fan of the series, but the previous and this volume have impressed me. Can't wait to see the finale!
Funny and lighthearted at times, but with a strong, heavy topic that was well handed. Some scenes didn't convince me as much, but definitely recommend this reading!
Addictive, powerful, experimental in some ways, and attractive. There were a few times when I felt it slowed down, but other than that I couldn't stop reading!
I have to confess I haven’t read Emma, but I don’t feel I missed anything important when I read this book. It’s solid, well-planned, and with characters that I liked right away from page one. It’s so easy to enjoy that it makes you feel like a kid again.
Loonie's story is more than just a graphic novel. It's a window into the world he was raised in, the double standards he was raised in, and the inner conclicts that abounded in his environment. There was a lot going on, so may changes, rules, politics he had to abide by in order to be a good member of his community, so he offers a complete view of this at all times. Full review: