addystape's reviews
290 reviews

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

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Frankl says that we are always looking for meaning. Even when he was in the concentration camps, he found that there were those around him who were still trying to lead meaningful lives under unimaginable conditions. In the postscript of the book entitled "The Case for a Tragic Optimism," Frankl explains that meaning does not come in one instant but rather comes at the culmination of a life lived. He likens the experience of meaning at the end of life to watching a movie or reading a book. While during the book or watching a movie, we might not understand the plot, the reason that the story is taking place, but at the end of life the meaning becomes clear. So, Frankl says, is life. We must live without knowing exactly what the story of our lives will look like with the faith that at the end it will become clear.
Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy by George G.M. James

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Was shocking to read at first and wondered how much was true. A much more detailed account of how Egypt borrowed from Ethiopia can be found in The Destruction of Black Civilization.