A review by qdbibliophile
Buttons & Blame by Penelope Sky


Overall: 3.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥
Feels: 😠💗💗😣
Tear jerker: ❌
Supernatural: ❌
Location: Italy
Character age range: 20-30
Lead: Cane
Love interest(s): Adelina
HEA: ❌- Cliffhanger ...
... .
~QD Book Info📚~
Kindle Unlimited: ❌
Audible: ✅
Stand alone: No
Series: Buttons series - 5/6
1️⃣ Buttons and Lace - Released - Pearl & Crow
2️⃣ Buttons and Hate - Released - Pearl & Crow
3️⃣ Buttons and Pain - Released - Pearl & Crow
4️⃣ Buttons and Shame - Released - Cane & Adelina
5️⃣ Buttons and Blame - Released - Cane & Adelina
6️⃣ Buttons and Grace - Released - Cane & Adelina
Sex/kink type: hetero, penetrative, oral
Possible triggers: human trafficking, mention of rape, physical abuse, violence, misogyny .
This series has been rough on my emotions. On the one hand I love how the female characters are strong and hold their own. Pearl had been her own heroine. But, there was again what I felt to be gratuitous violence in this one and it made me question my loyalty to some of the characters. I’m ok with a lot of things but violence against women is a tough one for me to swallow. Violence against women and the acceptance of the practice as well. There were also some aspects that seemed illogical. Reactions from characters that didn’t make sense based on how they’d previously behaved. It’s an easy read otherwise so take a gander and let me know what you think. I’m curious to see if you agree with my assessment.
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