A review by __livesbtweenpgs__
Blu, My Protector by R.S. McKenzie


“Serial killers are weird.”

This book was bloody fantastic!
Blu and June were EVERYTHING, phew!
Holy shit this was good.

I love me a good serial killer book and this one delivered and then some!
Blu took me by surprise in the best way. You would never suspect a psychiatrist to be what he is but it makes soo much sense. His POVs are truly a ride that I never expected to take.
June, this sweet baby had me just wanting to be his friend especially after the "deed" happens. Getting his POV's and what he thinks of Blu throughout was soo good. The build up of these two was amazing. The chemistry was off the damn charts and the kind of slow burn but also that first sight moment. Heart stopping.

Let's not forget about the yumminess in this book ;) phew was it good.
It was bloody
It was filthy
The dirty talk is off the charts
You're mine all over!
The possessiveness
ugh it all was just -chefs kiss-

That twist.. THE TWIST.. I never seen that coming a mile away, I thought something different was going to happen but nope we get something completely the other way and it opens up to more to come and I am so damn excited for it!

Lastly, please please please check your triggers! This is a damn fine example of a gory as hell book just for a couple parts alone but remember to take care of you first before a book. Don't damage you.
If you have no triggers, by all means, enjoy! Take a stroll with Blu and June. You might just enjoy it & meet someone else along the way.