A review by tsunni
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
Like Ready Player One with ADHD.

I had a hard time connecting with both the plot and the characters due to how meandering the writing was. The story takes constant tangents to drop info about a game or a jump to a backstory or a random garden or a side character, and breezes right on by when it could've taken more time with the main characters. The amount of the story spent on pop references always seemed to come at the wrong time, and any time spent on Sadie or Sam felt surface level; it never takes any time to really dwell on those emotional beats. 

By the time I hit 30%, I realized I was just scanning paragraphs fast to get it over with. The worst part is, I flipped back a bit to see what I missed, and I missed absolute nothing relevant by reading only parts of each page.