A review by 13rebecca13
The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot by Marianne Cronin


This is the most beautiful book I've ever read. I cried so much and genuinely felt emotionally exhausted after finishing it.

Lenni Pettersson is a 17-year-old girl with a terminal illness. Whilst in hospital she meets 83-year-old Margot Macrae at an art class run by the hospital. Whilst there, they realise that their ages combined make 100. They decide that they will paint a picture for each year they have been alive; one hundred pictures.

When drawing these pictures, they tell the stories of them to each other. This allows them to each be transported to that time in the other person's life. We learn about Lenni's childhood in Sweden before the moved, her family relationships and Margot's stories of the war, her parents and her relationships. Each of these are told wonderfully.

Lenni is the most fantastic character. She is sassy and I love her questioning of Jesus to Father Arthur, trying to make him uneasy. Their developing friendship is a beautiful tale to read.

I feel like everyone needs to read this book. It's a tale of unlikely friendship, kindess and just being there for each other.