A review by reading_historical_romance
Ne'er Duke Well by Alexandra Vasti

Did not finish book. Stopped at 65%.
This is not the review I wanted to be writing.  I really love Alexandra Vasti's Halifax Hellions series, so I went into this book with definite expectations for her first trad published novel.   I'm conflicted about how to review this because I think she is such a gifted writer,  but the plot of this particular book just didn't work for me personally.   I DNF'd at 65% because the only storyline that I was really interested in -- the romance between Selina and Peter -- had been told and resolved. 

After Peter and Selina were married, the narrative cycled into a loop of Selina having moments of insecurity and catastrophizing about damage to Peter's reputation because she owns a scandalous circulating library for women, and Peter reassuring her that everything would be fine and that even if their secrets were exposed, he wouldn't care whatsoever.   The subplot involving Peter's efforts to gain custody over his half-siblings didn't resonate with me, and seemed too unrealistic.  (A Duke would need to fight in court over bastard kids no one wants?  Really?)

Peter's character was more complex, better developed, and interesting than Selina's, who became fairly one-note to me as she was constantly in a state of melodrama of her own making, and over things that just weren't that serious.   And because there wasn't a strong secondary cast of characters that I was invested in, that left all of my interest falling on Peter.  Once he achieved his HEA and married his girl, and repeatedly demonstrated his unshakeable devotion to her, I was perfectly satisfied for the book to end there.  Peter didn't have anything else going on that had high enough emotional stakes for me. 

I'm going to rate this novel a solid 3 stars because it falls right there in the category of "I enjoyed what I read, but I won't revisit it,"   

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this novel.