A review by rebekah_florence
Women, Race, & Class by Angela Y. Davis


This was the first book of Angela's that I've read and I LOVED IT. I truly could not put it down. Davis speaks in a way that is easy to understand and genuinely feels like a conversation. Though I was determined to read her work, I was initially concerned that parts of it would go over my head. Within the first chapter, my worries were completely done away with. This book gave me so much more knowledge on movements and historical events that I had only previously scratched the surface on. While reading, I kept a running list of names, historical events, and even new vocabulary, and I highly recommend that future readers do the same. This is a MUST read for those looking to learn more about intersectionality, solidarity ( or a lack thereof) within movements of the last three centuries, and how and why oppression works the way that it does.