A review by diversifyyourreading
The End We Start from by Megan Hunter


Format wise, this was unlike anything I've ever read; however, the story was extremely captivating and, once I started, I couldn't put it down. It's a quick, easy read that will leave you wondering.

Dystopian fiction is normally so far out there that it's easy to separate it from reality; however, this one is set in London in what could be the not-so-distant future. Everyone is forced to flee when London becomes submerged in floodwaters, including the main character and her newborn baby. In desperate times, the United Kingdom becomes a desperate, seemingly war-torn place and, as this couple flees London, they're left fighting for their lives every step of the way.

The relationships that were formed in this book are extremely interested and ones you could really see happening in a time like this; relationships are tested, patience is tested, people are forced to be creative.

I didn't love the way this was written - the formatting and the lack of personality (characters only called by their first initial) is not my normal cup of tea; however, this was beautifully written, and there was so much personality in each character despite their lack of name. I'm very intrigued, and curious to see what else comes from Megan Hunter; but, I'd prefer a proper novel!