A review by onthesamepage
Neverwraith by Shakir Rashaan

Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Disclaimer: I am not the target age for this book. Even though I gave up on it, I do think it will appeal to teenagers, so please pick it up and give it a try if it sounds interesting to you.

While I still think the premise is intriguing and appeals to my enjoyment of superhero stories, I didn't really get along with this book. The characters and the language they use just felt very young to me, in a way that really made me feel my age. There's a lot of teenage posturing and picking fights over nothing, and there's an insta-love relationship that becomes "I think we have something" after two minor conversations. I didn't get to see any of the superhero elements by 12% in, and since I wasn't invested in the characters, I couldn't really find it in me to keep going.