A review by __livesbtweenpgs__
Dates & Mistakes by Milana Spencer, Milana Spencer


“There’s a difference between dating and fucking.”

Okay this was a cute read.
Could it have been more? absolutely.
While I enjoyed it and it was a quick read for me, there was a disconnect too.

It flowed so good until it didn't.
There was too much disconnect between the MC's to me.
If there is chemistry there then explore that and give more of that, not all the drink options.
I genuinely wanted to like this book since the mistaken identity trope is normally a good one but this was too forced and there were some holes throughout.
Also the first time, bi-wakening (if this even fits here) was done in a very very weird uncomfortable way.

While it was cute, it just left so much up in the air and felt unfinished at the end.