A review by distance_your_shelf
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne


Nema sumnje da je ovo jako bitna tema. Ipak, u mnogim delovima mi se cinilo da je Brunova naivnost preterana, a nacin izrazavanja kao kod odraslog coveka. To me je remetilo u toku citanja.
S druge strane, nacin na koji dete vidi odredjene stvari dovodi do toga da se u jednoj recenici objasni neki dogadjaji, jako suptilno, i to mi se dopalo.

A ovaj deo mi je posebno drag, jer pokazuje besmisao rata i trovanje propagandom. Dijalog Bruna i njegove sestre:
"Gretel sighed and shook her head. 'With the other Jews, Bruno. Didn't you know that? That's why they have to be kept together. They can't mix with us.'
'Are we Jews?'
Gretel opened her mouth wide, as if she had been slapped in the face. 'No, we most certainly are not.'
'What are we then?'
'We're...' began Gretel, but then she had to stop to think about it. 'We're ' she repeated, , but she wasn't quite sure what the answer to this question was.
'We're the opposite', said Gretel,sounding a lot more satisfied with this answer. 'Yes, that's right. We're the opposite.'
'Well, why don't we like them?'
'Cause they're Jews'.

Sto se kraja tice, pretpostavila sam sustinu ali ne i izvedbu, i deluje mi kao prikladan kraj ovakve price. Dobra je i poslednja recenica. Ako ikad budem skupila snage da je citam opet, verujem da ce dobiti vecu ocenu, sada je na 3.5.