A review by quillnqueer
That's Not My Name by Megan Lally

emotional tense fast-paced


They call me hell
They call me Sta-cey
They call me Her
They call me Jane


I've been reading less and less young adult thrillers these days, as the majority of them are just... not good. I decided to pick this one up due to the surprisingly high community rating, and was rewarded with a gripping, emotional story that I flew through in a few days.

This is a dual POV, told from a girl who believes her name is Mary, picked up by her father after an accident triggers amnesia, and Drew, whose girlfriend Lola disappeared one night, leaving him the prime suspect of the investigation. There was a constant question of if Mary really was Lola, and who this father figure really was.

I really liked the ending. The story stays grounded in reality throughout, making this feel like something that could really happen, and the emotional scenes were so well written it made the characters stand out and feel like real people. This is the author's debut, and I'm so excited to see what she writes next.