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Follow along on StoryGraph's new Book Club feature!
I host a virtual monthly book club in which reading nonfiction accounts of women in history who have been previously overlooked or under-celebrated. Meetings are virtual at 7 PM EST on the second Wednesday of every month. Feel free to join the discussion, or just use this as a reading list! (Reach out to @fromhollysbookshelf on Instagram if you'd like to be added to the email list.)
I host a virtual monthly book club in which reading nonfiction accounts of women in history who have been previously overlooked or under-celebrated. Meetings are virtual at 7 PM EST on the second Wednesday of every month. Feel free to join the discussion, or just use this as a reading list! (Reach out to @fromhollysbookshelf on Instagram if you'd like to be added to the email list.)
Show Me The Women
13 participants (56 books)
Follow along on StoryGraph's new Book Club feature!
I host a virtual monthly book club in which reading nonfiction accounts of women in history who have been previously overlooked or under-celebrated. Meetings are virtual at 7 PM EST on the second Wednesday of every month. Feel free to join the discussion, or just use this as a reading list! (Reach out to @fromhollysbookshelf on Instagram if you'd like to be added to the email list.)
I host a virtual monthly book club in which reading nonfiction accounts of women in history who have been previously overlooked or under-celebrated. Meetings are virtual at 7 PM EST on the second Wednesday of every month. Feel free to join the discussion, or just use this as a reading list! (Reach out to @fromhollysbookshelf on Instagram if you'd like to be added to the email list.)