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282 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781607876472
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publication date: 07 September 2018
California Teacher of English Learners (Ctel) by Sharon A. Wynne is a must-have guide for aspiring educators who are passionate about empowering students from diverse backgrounds, as it provides a comprehensive roadmap to mastering the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the Teacher of English Learners career.
This comprehensive guide reviews the core content of all three test categories including: Language and Language Development, Assessment and Instruction and Culture and Inclusion for the CTEL exam. Once you've mastered the content, test your knowle...
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282 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781607876472
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publication date: 07 September 2018
California Teacher of English Learners (Ctel) by Sharon A. Wynne is a must-have guide for aspiring educators who are passionate about empowering students from diverse backgrounds, as it provides a comprehensive roadmap to mastering the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the Teacher of English Learners career.
This comprehensive guide reviews the core content of all three test categories including: Language and Language Development, Assessment and Instruction and Culture and Inclusion for the CTEL exam. Once you've mastered the content, test your knowle...
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