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Jeph Loeb with Sterling Gates, Justin Gray, Ulises Arreola, Ed Benes, Kelley Puckett, Jimmy Palmiotti, Ron Randall, Adam Archer, Fernando Dagnino, Renato Guedes, Ian Churchill, Jamal Yaseem Igle, Mark Sable, Will Pfeifer, Josh Middleton, Tony Bedard, Joe Benítez, Ron Adrian, Raúl Fernández, Matt Camp, Amanda Conner, Brad Walker, Drew Johnson, James Peaty, Greg Rucka, Alé Garza, Eduardo Pansica, Neil Ruffino, Joe Kelly, Pete Pantazis
22 pages • missing pub info (editions)
Format: Digital
Language: Not specified
Publisher: DC
Publication date: Not specified
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Bookshop UK Blackwell's
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