The Life, Experience, and Travels of John Colby: Volume II by John Colby

The Life, Experience, and Travels of John Colby: Volume II

John Colby

66 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction history medium-paced
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For readers who are fascinated by the stories of pioneers, missionaries, and the early days of American Christianity, The Life, Experience, and Travels of John Colby: Volume II is a captivating and inspiring read that offers a glimpse into the life of a devoted minister who braved the wilderness to spread the word of God.


Colby, Rev. John, who joined the Freewill Baptists in 1799, was born inSandwich, N. H., December 9, 1787. When fifteen years of age his father moved to Sutton, Vt. In 1805 became a Christian and was baptized on the 8th of December.He began his lab...

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