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Enthusiastic young gardeners and parents seeking to nurture their child's green thumb will delight in Kids Container Gardening : Year-Round Projects for Inside and Out, a vibrant and engaging guide that empowers kids to create their own beautiful and fun container gardens throughout the year.
Enthusiastic young gardeners have the opportunity to develop a green thumb and experience the joys of gardening in this how-to guide for kids. With 18 time-tested, proven projects gleaned from the author's experience as director of "The Good Earth...
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Format: Not specified
Language: English
Publisher: Not specified
Publication date: Not specified
Enthusiastic young gardeners and parents seeking to nurture their child's green thumb will delight in Kids Container Gardening : Year-Round Projects for Inside and Out, a vibrant and engaging guide that empowers kids to create their own beautiful and fun container gardens throughout the year.
Enthusiastic young gardeners have the opportunity to develop a green thumb and experience the joys of gardening in this how-to guide for kids. With 18 time-tested, proven projects gleaned from the author's experience as director of "The Good Earth...
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