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Reviews tagging 'Rape'
Welcome to the Goddamn Ice Cube: Chasing Fear and Finding Home in the Great White North by Blair Braverman
13 reviews
dorietochip's review against another edition
Graphic: Pedophilia, Rape, and Sexual assault
halftimelord's review against another edition
Hvor er Blair? - made me cry!
Graphic: Rape, Sexism, Sexual assault, and Sexual violence
amberreadseverything's review against another edition
Minor: Alcoholism, Animal death, Emotional abuse, Rape, Sexual assault, and Toxic relationship
elinhaldira's review against another edition
Graphic: Alcoholism, Rape, Sexual assault, and Sexual harassment
Moderate: Animal cruelty and Rape
Minor: Animal death and Cancer
lindsayerin's review against another edition
Graphic: Animal death, Rape, Sexual assault, Toxic relationship, Gaslighting, and Sexual harassment
Moderate: Mental illness
ruffian23's review against another edition
Moderate: Rape, Sexual assault, Toxic relationship, Gaslighting, and Sexual harassment
aurel's review against another edition
Moderate: Rape
Minor: Racism
Anti-Muslim racism in passing from secondary characters Sexual assault is not graphic but the description of the coercion leading to it isdystopia's review against another edition
Graphic: Animal death, Emotional abuse, and Rape
ina_loves_books's review against another edition
Graphic: Animal cruelty, Rape, Excrement, and Sexual harassment
Moderate: Alcoholism
jaclyn_youngblood's review against another edition
Graphic: Rape, Sexual assault, and Toxic relationship