
Daddy-long-legs: Revised Edition of Original Version by Jean Webster

sarahrigg's review against another edition

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I read and enjoyed this when I was 13. Published in 1912, it apparently stands the test of time since I enjoyed it in the 1980s, and a younger relative enjoyed it in the early 2000s!

editrix's review against another edition

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Delightfully silly, with lots of good one-liners.

pistachio74's review against another edition

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The daddy kink is so strong in this.

moeser97's review against another edition

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Loved this book when I was a wee reader.

missziyal's review against another edition

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This is such a fun book! I wouldn't have though a book written entirely as letters would be so interesting, but Jerusha Abott has such creative and spunky personality that it's hard to not like her letters. The simplicity and realness to it reminded me of Little Women, one of my all time favorites. Unfortunately I already knew the ending, but even so I thought it was so sweet and tied everything up very nicely.

bubs95's review against another edition

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I had forgotten how funny and sweet this book is, so it was nice to reread it during such a stressful weekend

gabcab17's review against another edition

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One time I read this book three times in a month

evabock's review against another edition

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Когато за първи път четох "Тайнственият благодетел" като ученичка ми беше *meh*, а от перспективата на съвременен възрастен мога само с вдигната вежда да реагирам.

Джеруша е сираче, което тайнствен благодетел изпраща в колеж, с единственото условие тя да му пише писма веднъж месечно за напредъка си в предметите. Той не пише отговори никога, само понякога чрез секретар дава указания какво желае тя да направи по този или онзи въпрос.

Джуди (както сама решава да се нарече момичето) приема задачата присърце и започва да пише дълги писма, в които излива чувствата и мислите си към този получател, който тя смята за мил, възрастен господин. В тези писма тя го нарича "татенце", а той й изпраща цветя и екстравагантни подаръци, когато тя е тъжна и той иска да я ободри.

В същото време тайнственият благодетел се възползва от информацията, която тя му дава за себе си и плановете си, за да се запознае с нея и в реалния живот, и да я среща случайно тук и там, без да й сподели кой е всъщност.

Когато тя му пише, че иска да прекара лятото със семейството на своя приятелка, и смята, че ще си прекара чудесно с брат й и другите момчета там, тайнственият благодетел чрез секретаря си й казва, че предпочита тя да иде в имението еди-кое си (което той посещава през свободното си време).

Когато на втората година й е предложена стипендия, която ще й позволи да бъде почти финансово независима от "татко" за колежа си, той настоява тя да не я приема (Тя не го слуша!)

Когато тя решава да работи в лятото на последната си година, за да може да си осигури независимост след като завърши, той използва влиянието си както в писмата, така и в реалния живот, за да се опита да я убеди вместо това да иде в Европа, където да прекара известно време с него.


Накрая, разбира се, той й разкрива, че мъжът, в който се е влюбила, през цялото време е бил нейният тайнствен благодетел, тя е безумно щастлива и те ще се оженят.

За 1912 сигурно окей, за мен - kinda creepy. Не дори толкова заради възрастовата разлика (когато тя приема предложението му за брак е на 21, а той на 35), но като цяло начинът, по който се случва това сближаване.

gabideal's review against another edition

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"Daddy Long Legs? What's up with this title?" was my first thought going into this. After finishing, I regret to say that I still find it very weird.

And so is my relationship with this book. The only way I can describe it is by saying it reminds me a little of Jane Eyre and Little Women. Having said that, it's only obvious that I would like it. In fact, there were a lot of things I did like. The humor was great, and I found myself smiling often. Judy and Master Jervie were nice characters overall, and it was nice to see them growing, Judy especially. This book was also written in a letter format, which allowed us to get a little more personal with Judy and her thoughts, but it was also what I had a problem with.

This is a simple book, and it is not trying to be Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights (at least not in the emotional depth sense.) I understand that. However, because it does bear some resemblance to the previously mentioned, I expected a little more than I should have. This book is about Judy and her growth as a person in many different areas, and in that regard, I think it was done well. But then, just because the book is about her, it doesn't mean the other characters, like Jervis, shouldn't have more depth. And that's what I have a problem with.

Because this was written in a letter format, it was impossible to get to know them well. This made the romance and friendship aspect of the book a bit shallow in my eyes. What do I really know about Jervis, and any of the other characters, really? Only what Judy tells us.

This book is a lot of tells, but no shows. What I like about books, especially if they have a little romance in them, is the subtlety. It's the taking the time to know all of the characters, and what makes them tick. Because I saw all the characters through Judy's eyes, they inevitably all became superficial, a caricature of the real thing.

It is not a bad book by any means. I was just expecting more. Maybe the style just isn't for me.

michellehomescholar's review against another edition

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This was a light and refreshing read!