
Imprints by Rachel Ann Nunes

holtmin's review

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Check out ldswbr's combined review on this book July 20

bobonnie's review

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Just ok. A little too "far fetched" and contrived for my taste, but the idea was good.

katlyn7's review

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Loved it couldn't put it down! I hope there is more to the story!!

katlyn07's review

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Loved it couldn't put it down! I hope there is more to the story!!

misdawnty's review

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I liked it. Good story. I liked the characters a lot and it had a good mix of romantic tension and suspense.

refinishednurse's review

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I have read several books by Rachel Ann Nunes and have liked them all. This was an interesting twist on her norm. Some paranormal powers, intrigue, romance, cults…it was a quick and fun read. I had read about 70 pages when we got in the car to come home from vacation and finished it about an hour before we got home. I didn't want to stop reading. Going to start the second one tonight.

ghumpherys's review

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Interesting premise for this story where the main character can sense emotions and memories by touching certain objects. She was also pretty quirky in some ways (like never wearing shoes) - a few times her views almost came across as a bit preachy, but mostly it made for an interesting character.

krisis86's review

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Typical stilted LDS fiction. I basically wanted to stab myself in the eye after the fourth or fifth time all organic, all natural, yay hippie stuff was mentioned. Unfortunately for me it's a preachfest throughout the book, although I'm unsure if the author intended it to be that way. Because of the whole "I go barefoot! I don't take medicine, just herbs! I only eat organic, pasture fed meat and raw milk!" stuff everywhere, I ended up hating Autumn. A lot.

But I liked the story, and I really wish I had liked the characters because the story was really good. There were a few excellently done twists at the end that I approved of too. However the ending? Kind of sucked.

I may or may not read more Autumn Rain books. I may have to stick them in the microwave first, to properly nuke all vitamins and minerals to death.

editingkate27's review against another edition

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I actually liked this book more than I thought it would, though parts of it were cliche and predictable. Most of the book takes place before they even travel to the farm, and I thought more of the plot should have taken place there. I even liked the organic touch to the book, though I was starting to roll my eyes for every "comfrey poultice" mentioned. It doesn't matter that much, does it?