
James Joyce: Portrait of a Dubliner--A Graphic Biography by Alfonso Zapico

bindu1118's review

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If you have been intrigued by this writer or his book (Ulysses), you can benefit from this one. A highly informative read, which never gets boring at all thanks to the funny situational anecdotes provided in plenty. The illustrator is a comic artist and his illustrations all feel like little comic strips in style and content.

A wholesome fun read.

dxr's review

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Pretty interesting. Although I thought it was just about some random guy, I appreciate it the main character, James Joyce because although he’s an annoying douchebag, he does weird, funny and very interesting things. Also I enjoyed the expressiveness of the drawings

mr_houses's review against another edition

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Un libro ilustrado, me niego a llamar comic a lo que como mucho se podría clasificar como romance de ciego -escenas ilustradas con un texto al pie- que nos introduce muy dignamente a la biografía de Joyce. Lo mejor, el dibujo de Zapico, con un estilo vivo y un domino absoluto del blanco y negro. Una ilustración cinematográfica en su composición con una pasión milimétrica por la arquitectura y el ambiente, que se disfruta a cada momento. Lo peor, la falta de guión y de profundidad dramática que lo convierte en una sucesión de anécdotas copiadas de una o varias biografías.

tsubhdearg's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective sad medium-paced


sjbozich's review

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100th Anniversary of "Ulysses", i am back to reading Joyce for the first time in 30+ years.
Nice twist on his bio - Graphic Bio. Good intro to his life, not Lit Crit.
Interesting that H G Wells was such a strong supporter. And that when Joyce and Proust finally meet, it ends up neither had read the other!
Nicely illustrated and told, worthwhile "thumbnail" into his life - and then move on to Ellman.

carinaonitsirc's review against another edition

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Que experiência tão boa.

breadandmushrooms's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


flyintothestorm's review against another edition

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funny reflective medium-paced


astridseijas's review against another edition

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Maravillosa biografía de James Joyce en versión cómic, muy bien documentada. Las ilustraciones de las viñetas son estupendas.

cameliarose's review

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A beautifully realized graphic biography. The art is effective. The text is simple and concise. The author's focus is on James Joyce of course, but it would be nice if he had told the ending of Lucia after her father's death. And there is very little of how Nora felt about her husband.

While reading the book, my dislike for James Joyce just grows. A selfish drunk is a selfish drunk, even when he is also a genius.